The crisis of capital in two contemporary energo-fictions: Temporada de huracanes by Fernanda Melchor and La compañía, by Verónica Gerber Bicecci

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David Loría Araujo
Francisco G. Tijerina Martínez


This article shows the results of a comparative analysis between two contemporary literary works written by women: Temporada de huracanes (2017) by Fernanda Melchor and La Compañía (2019) by Verónica Gerber Bicecci. We focus on the geospatial transformation of peripheral settlements, the constitution and reaffirmation of masculinity’s prototype, the domain over the body-territory (women’s and Earth’s), and the effacement of certain health conditions provoked by the exposure of a toxic environment as a result of extractivist practices. We sustain the idea that these resources, present in the narrated universes and verified by archives and news media outlets, vouch for the extractivism of raw material for hydrocarbon production in the country. Finally, we establish a dialogue between both texts and some other recent theoretical perspectives in relation to the possibility of creating futures in the crossroad of capitalism and its current cyclical and expansive state. 


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How to Cite
Loría Araujo, D., & Tijerina Martínez , F. G. . (2023). The crisis of capital in two contemporary energo-fictions: Temporada de huracanes by Fernanda Melchor and La compañía, by Verónica Gerber Bicecci. De Raíz Diversa. Revista Especializada En Estudios Latinoamericanos, 9(17), 121–147.

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