Las experiencias límite y su relación con la enfermedad


  • David Francisco Ayala Murguía
  • Anabella Barragán Solís



limit experiences, suffering, traumatic experiences, cronic pain


There exists a complex relationship between irresolute limit experiences and the appearance of determined sufferings. In this essay we have tried theoretically to acknowledge that the traumatic irresolute experiences express themselves through different signs in the body. The body then, expresses the subjective answers to the existential crossroads. In order to be able to analyze the above mentioned we developed a qualitative survey through profound interviews made to four different patients suffering post-herpes neuralgia in the Pain clinique of the General Hospital of Mexico. The analysis of our results coincides with the pertinence of working with the explanations used by the Interpretative Anthropological Theories as well as the Psychoanalitique ones made out by Freud and Lacan with regards to the study of the body as an experimental site.


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How to Cite

Ayala Murguía, D. F., & Barragán Solís, A. (2010). Las experiencias límite y su relación con la enfermedad. Estudios De Antropología Biológica, 12(1).



Antropología médica

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