Tras el comportamiento de la primatología norteamericana


  • Diana A. Platas Neri



north american primatology, behavior, stages of development of the discipline, human evolution, primates


The studies of the primate behavior have grown exponentially in the last 70 years (Strum & Fedigan, 2000). The first approaches towards modern studies in north american anthropology appeared with the works by Washburn, who stated that the knowledge of our nearest filogenetically relatives could help us understand the origins and evolution of human behavior, from the very first researches in american anthropology many postulates have been developed and reformulated. Primatological conceptions have changed and it would be pertinent to ask ourselves what these changes have obeyed to, and which pressures have influenced. Science should be regarded as a social product. Thus, it should be analyzed within a socio-historical context. This study, based on the revision of diverse authors’ works, shows a view of the problems that North American primatology has faced and the impact if has had on Physical Anthropology.


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How to Cite

Platas Neri, D. A. (2010). Tras el comportamiento de la primatología norteamericana. Estudios De Antropología Biológica, 13(1).



Historias, teorías y métodos de la Antropología Fisica