De pescado los tamales. Patrones de consumo alimenticio en un centro de barrio de Teotihuacan


  • Gabriela Inés Mejía Appel Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia



Teotihuacan, Teopancazco, paleodiet, pixe


This paper is the result of an interdisciplinary research in which the patterns of nutritional consumption in Teopancazco, one multiethnic neighborhood center in Teotihuacan, were analyzed. The primary target considered was that through the study of the feeding we could achieve some knowledge about some aspects of the Teotihuacan group that lived in Teopancazco because the sustenance is tied with different social processes. The main question to solve was whether the diet of the population that inhabited the compound during the Classic period varied according to the hierarchic position that the person held, or by the ethnic difference bet-ween the inhabitants or craftsmen. Finally, if there were some change in the nutritional tendencies in the lapse to study. This paleodietary analysis was made with the pixe technique, which analyzes the concentrations of chemical elements in the sample and allows us to identify the presence of strontium and barium and their rates. The conclusions are related to the continuity in the cooking traditions of the migrant groups during the Tlamimilolpa phase and the adoption of local cooking patterns in Xolalpan and Metepec phases.


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How to Cite

Mejía Appel, G. I. (2013). De pescado los tamales. Patrones de consumo alimenticio en un centro de barrio de Teotihuacan. Estudios De Antropología Biológica, 15(1).



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