Diabates mellitus among the comic from Socaaix, Sonora: meanings, uses and reasons for a sociocultural epidemiology


  • Pedro Yañez Moreno Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social de Occidente




diabetes mellitus, phenomenology, cultural epidemiology, health-disease-care


This work is part of the master’s thesis around a disease which affects the human body metabolic exercise. The intention is to show diabetes mellitus among Comcaac or Seri community of Socaaix or Punta Chueca in the municipality of Hermosillo, Sonora, from the phenomenological approach that allowed to recover any human act that is difficult to measure and is undoubtedly covered by the meaning of illness, as well as the representations that are made of it. Using ethnographic techniques, review of clinical records and civil registration, allowed the formation of a cultural epidemiology of the town itself. In this way it was possible to demonstrate the multi-causal nature of the dm as a disease from the actors. The analysis includes the voices of the relevant actors so it has the ability to capture the number of practices that revolve around formal care (health sector) and self-care (individual, family, social circle) strategies, and its close relationship to the health-disease-care process.


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How to Cite

Yañez Moreno, P. (2016). Diabates mellitus among the comic from Socaaix, Sonora: meanings, uses and reasons for a sociocultural epidemiology. Estudios De Antropología Biológica, 16(1). https://doi.org/10.22201/iia.14055066p.2013.56759



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