La muerte en la cosmovisión náhuatl prehispánica. Consideraciones heurísticas y epistemológicas

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Patrick Johansson K.


Written sources about death in prehispanic nahuatl culture are numerous. However, the catechistic intention that motivated the collecting of information, the transcription of the oral or pictographic tradition somehow detracted the idea of what death could have meant for the Mexica. Basing our analysis on documents in nahuatl, and from what we believe to be a more suitable conceptual perspective, we propose a different approach to the prehispanic nahuatl cosmovision of death, and more specifically to its cosmogony.

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How to Cite
Johansson K., P. (2012). La muerte en la cosmovisión náhuatl prehispánica. Consideraciones heurísticas y epistemológicas. Estudios De Cultura Náhuatl, 43. Retrieved from

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