La mujer en el desarrollo de las TIC’S

Contenido principal del artículo

Isidro Enrique Zepeda Ortega


The way we communicate have changed because of the development of IT. Many of the awards of these advances have been linked to the male gender. It has existed in the history of technology, discrimination or low appreciation of women’s contributions, however, this situation seems to be changing in recent years. This document aims to contribute to the recognition of women precursor of Informatics and submit projects founded by women in the field of computing in which women can join


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Cómo citar
Zepeda Ortega, I. E. (2018). La mujer en el desarrollo de las TIC’S. HistoriAgenda, 3(33), 166–172. Recuperado a partir de

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Biografía del autor/a

Isidro Enrique Zepeda Ortega, Indeterminada
