A Multi-Product Lot-Sizing Model for a Manufacturing Company

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Juan Alejandro Gómez-Herrera
John Willmer Escobar
Álvaro Figueroa-Cabrera


This paper presents an Integer Linear Programming model for a multi-product lot-sizing problem. The problem considers demands, inventory policies, backorder costs and the search of an efficient use of resources (machines and workers). The real-world case used to illustrate the model is from a Colombian company, which produces raw material for the bakery industry. The short term planning for the company under study is critical, because there is a multi-product environment whit shared resources by different products and processes. The computational experiments show the effectiveness of the proposed model.

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Cómo citar
Gómez-Herrera, J. A., Escobar, J. W., & Figueroa-Cabrera, Álvaro. (2013). A Multi-Product Lot-Sizing Model for a Manufacturing Company. Ingeniería Investigación Y Tecnología, 14(3). Recuperado a partir de https://revistas.unam.mx/index.php/ingenieria/article/view/41964

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