The Substance-Field Analysis

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J J Acosta Flores


In organizational transformation and social change can be very useful to use the theory to solve inventives problems. In this paper TRIZ is presented with more detail, specifically through one of his tools: the substance-field analysis. Substance-Field Analysis is a TRIZ analytical tool for modeling problems related to existing systems. Every system is created to perform some functions. The desired function is the output from an object or substance, caused by another object with the help of some means. The general term, substances are objects of any level of complexity. They can be single items or complex systems. The action or means of accomplishing the action is called a field. Substance-Field Analysis provides a fast, simple model to use for considering different ideas.

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How to Cite
Acosta Flores, J. J. (2010). The Substance-Field Analysis. Ingeniería Investigación Y Tecnología, 11(002). Retrieved from

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