Wideband Indoor Radio Propagation Measurements at 5.4 GHz

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A. Aragón-Zavala
D. Mavrakis
G. Castañón
J. L. Cuevas-Ruiz


Wideband indoor time domain measurements at 5.4 GHz are presented in this paper. A swept Time Delay Cross Correlator is used to measure the radio channel, and the measurements are performed using an autonomous robot that follows a predefined route line-of-sight and non-line-of-sight modern office buildings. Analysis shows that the RMS delay spread follows a normal distribution whose mean does not always increase with distance. Also, the global statistics of the RMS delay spread follow a truncated normal distribution with a better fit. Results are presented in the form of RMS delay spread and power delay profiles.

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How to Cite
Aragón-Zavala, A., Mavrakis, D., Castañón, G., & Cuevas-Ruiz, J. L. (2012). Wideband Indoor Radio Propagation Measurements at 5.4 GHz. Ingeniería Investigación Y Tecnología, 13(2). Retrieved from https://revistas.unam.mx/index.php/ingenieria/article/view/30832

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