Published: 2011-01-06

Vol. 10 No. 004 (2009)

Exergoeconomic Design of the Geometry of a Vertical, Three Steps, Tubular Air Heater

J. J. Marín Hernández, M. L. González Petit Jean, O. M. Cruz-Fonticiella

Wireless Propagation Characteristics for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks in Motorway Environments

R. Aquino Santos, V. Rangel Licea, L. A. Villaseñor González, A. Edwards

Unified Dispatch of Energy and Reserves in Electricity Markets

J. A. Quiñónez Osobampo, J. H. Tovar Hernández, G. Gutiérrez Alcaraz

Effect of NaCL Upon an AI-Si Casting Alloy Hipoeutec

E. J. Martínez Delgado, R. Ortega de la Rosa, M. A. Cisneros Guerrero, S. Haro Rodríguez

Effect of an Imidazoline [IM-NH17] on the Corrosion Process of API5l-X52 Steel Exposed in Acidified Brines

A. G. Reynaud Morales, M. Casales Díaz, J. G. Chacón Nava, L. Martínez Gómez, A. Martínez Villafañe, J. G. González Rodríguez