Security in AODV Protocol Routing for Mobile ad hoc Networks Improving Industrial Energy Quality by an Active Current Filter

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J. A. Villanueva-Cruz
C. F. García-Hernández
J. A. Pérez-Díaz
G. Cahue-Díaz
J. G. González-Serna


Routing protocols in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (mAd hoc or MANET) are exposed to several types of attacks. An attack detection module is proposed in this research work in order to protect the Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (aodv) protocol against the att ack known as sequence number attack (in other words, a mechanism that can counteract this attack). The performance of this module is evaluated with the ns-2 simulator and it is compared in both normal and under attack conditions. Finally, from the attack detection module we can conclude that it detects the sequence number attack, improving by approximately 20% the percentage of delivered packets.

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How to Cite
Villanueva-Cruz, J. A., García-Hernández, C. F., Pérez-Díaz, J. A., Cahue-Díaz, G., & González-Serna, J. G. (2011). Security in AODV Protocol Routing for Mobile ad hoc Networks Improving Industrial Energy Quality by an Active Current Filter. Ingeniería Investigación Y Tecnología, 12(1). Retrieved from

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