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Frambel Lizárraga Salas


In recent decades, a substantial change has been observed in the migration process globally, due to the increasing presence of women, who have left their homes and families in search of better opportunities for themselves and their families. It is these women of Mexican, Central American or African origin who no longer only migrate to accompany their husband, father, son or brother, but have acquired a more active role in the migratory process and also wish to insert themselves into the labor market, send remittances to their families and improve their living conditions.


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Cómo citar
Lizárraga Salas, F. (2024). Editorial. INTER DISCIPLINA, 12(34), 17–24. Recuperado a partir de https://revistas.unam.mx/index.php/inter/article/view/89241

Citas en Dimensions Service


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