Focus and Scope

INTER DISCIPLINA is a scientific journal of the multidisciplinary area, published by the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Sciences and Humanities of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. It is committed to disseminating innovative, original, scientific and professional knowledge through the publication of specialized articles in different interdisciplinary areas in the sciences and humanities. This journal is refereed by academic peers with a double blind system. With a four-monthly periodicity (January-April, May-August, September-December), it is published in Spanish and English and is available in both print and digital formats.

Open access on the internet:

Thematic coverage

Analysis with high intellectual rigor on the implications of interdisciplinary research in the sciences and humanities from diverse theoretical, epistemological, methodological and / or practical approaches. Analysis of the studies and the ideas of transformation of the different forms of thought and of the ways of organization of knowledge and contemporary knowledge. Critical analyzes of the process of knowledge integration constitute the bases of thought in areas of complex knowledge, in studies from the complexity and interdiscipline of politics, earth sciences, economic sciences, natural sciences, social sciences and the humanities.


Within the framework of the promotion of interdisciplinarity, and as a great goal of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Sciences and Humanities, this editorial project aspires to be an expression and impulse of critical thinking, a substantive value of interdisciplinary research at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, considering:

• Build bridges between the exact and natural sciences with the social sciences and the humanities, including engineering and the arts.

• Disseminate various approaches to interdisciplinary research in order to clarify their meaning and social relevance in various contexts.

• To be a space for meeting and exchange of knowledge, approaches, methods and research techniques among those who carry out and cultivate studies on interdisciplinary science and humanities.

Target audience

INTERdisciplina is aimed at specialists, researchers and higher education students interested in the construction, confluence and interaction between knowledge and knowledge provided by different fields of exact sciences, natural sciences, humanities and social sciences, culture, art. The breadth of the topics and the possibilities for its theoretical-methodological discussion, as well as the knowledge process, are a wide range of general interest for a plurality of scholars, specialized in the research programs of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Sciences and Humanities , as well as the UNAM and the world.

Type of journal: Research


Main indices: Latindex catalog

Peer Review Process

INTERdisciplina publishes original and novel articles as a result of research projects, critical review articles of a specific problem, bibliographic reviews and interviews.

The articles are subject to review by specialists in the field in the double blind modality, where authors and reviewers are unaware of the identity between them. The opinion process is developed in the following way: initially two opinions are requested. If these are positive, the work is published. In case of a positive and a negative one, a third opinion is requested. If the latter is positive, it is passed to the editing process that ends with the publication. If it is negative, the work is rejected definitively. When any of the opinions is conditioned, the observations are sent to the author so that he can make the corrections and send the text to the editor, who will send it again to the judge; if the latter is approved, the editor will decide whether to proceed with the publication.

Application of ethical criteria

This publication adheres to the statement and standards of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), available at

Plagiarism detection

The received texts will be submitted to review by the specialized software for the detection of IThenticate plagiarism before being sent to editorial and academic opinion; Works that have a percentage higher than 50% similarity with another text published or available on the Internet will be rejected.

If the use of redundant or duplicate information is detected or suspected in a postulated text, the procedure described by COPE will be followed in the following link:

Principles of ethics and declaration of negligence



• Comply with the characteristics, structure and guidelines for publication of the journal.

• Present the results of the investigation without falsification or manipulation of data. Stick to the principle of honesty.

• Indicate, if there are, sources of financing and conflicts of interest in the article presented or research carried out.

• Grant the credit corresponding to the work of third parties used in the writing of the article; this includes the images, diagrams, photographs, maps and other graphic elements that are not of own authorship, which must have permission of reproduction on the part of their original authors or whoever holds the patrimonial right.

• Inform editors if previous results of the research have been published previously. If so, the authors must provide copies of these publications.


• Search that the content that is published meets high academic standards.

• Receive the works submitted for publication and request the pertinent opinions.

• Guarantee double-blind peer review.

• Follow up on the recommendations and / or suggestions of the reviewers.

• Manage editorial activities aimed at fulfilling the objectives of the magazine.

• Be aware of the correction of style and technical quality of the articles.

• Keep the authors informed about the editorial process in which your article is found.

• Keep the Editorial Committee informed about the editorial work in each issue of the journal.

• Seek to maintain the periodicity and punctuality established in the publication of the journal.


• Participate in the activities of dissemination and promotion of the magazine, as presentations of it.

• Be aware of the editorial process and editorial decisions of the magazine.


• Carry out an adequate evaluation of the texts that fit your thematic area of work.

• Notify if there is a conflict of interest in the evaluation of the text, such as the possibility of knowing the identity of the author or authors.

• Commit to deliver the evaluation of the article in the established time, otherwise, notify the editor immediately.

• Clearly define the approval, rejection or conditioning of the article.

• Inform the editor if you have a suspicion of any type of plagiarism.

• Issue your evaluation following the following criteria:

Formal criteria, the article to be evaluated:

a) Contains spelling and / or grammar errors

b) Presents omission of words

c) Presents writing problems

d) Presents punctuation errors

Content criteria, the article to be evaluated:

a) It shows an updated and pertinent bibliography

b) Contains a clear identification of the problem referred to in the article

c) Shows relevance in the development of the argumentation of the problem posed

d) Exhibits a logical coherence necessary in the development of the argument.

e) It has a connection between the conclusions, the problem and the argumentation developed.

Recommendation on the publication:

a) Publish, with minor changes

b) Publish, with major changes

c) Reject

Collection policy

Interdisciplina does not charge for publishing, reading or downloading articles in full text.

INTERdisciplina is managed under the open access scheme, so it does not charge any economic fee for publishing and / or accessing articles already published.

Journal History

The peer reviewed magazine INTERdisciplina appeared in the institutional concert of the academic journals of the UNAM in the last third of the year 2013, with a quarterly periodicity, under the editorial supervision of its founders, the Mtro. Rogelio López Torres and Dr. Juan Carlos Villa Soto. They have gone through academic work on: interdisciplinary approaches, cities and bodies, racism and feminism, evolutionism and sustainability, to mention some of the issues addressed, always with an inclusive vision and respect for diversity. Its mission has been to spread the knowledge of reality in its complexity from a vision that adds to knowledge.
As of 2016, Dr. Ricardo Mansilla Corona serves as the new editor and Mtra. A. Laura Moncada Marín as an his assistant. The participation of invited editors for each issue of the journal, the plural composition of both the Editorial Board and the Scientific Committee as well as the conformation of recent issues: Sexualities, Econophysics, Decolonial Dialogues, Peace and Agroecology, among others, with new sections as "Independent Communications", "Reviews" and "Interviews", have consolidated the magazine, which has been acquiring increasing maturity and academic positioning. This institutional editorial synergy and the collegial edition have earned it, in a relatively short time, the recognition of its academic quality having been incorporated into the indexes of scientific journals LATINDEX and CLASS. The visibility and accumulated experience, from different disciplinary perspectives and institutional insertions, have participated in the strengthening of the INTERdiscipline, contributing with the development of knowledge in different complex scenarios and in permanent change.
Currently, the CEIICH is a benchmark for interdisciplinary research at both the university and national levels. As of 2010, INTERdisciplina has the Open Journal Systems platform, of 2016, with the International Standard Serial Number and since 2017, with the Digital Object Identifier.