To send articles, authors need to register to the journal on the OJS platform at the following link: and follow the simple steps to upload their text in format Word with the characteristics specified in the guidelines for the authors.
In case of difficulty to access the platform, the articles can be sent in Word format to the electronic address: according to the guidelines cited in the previous paragraph.
Characteristics and structure
The texts must be unpublished and must not be in the process of evaluating another publication.
- Structure of the article:
- Title
- Name of the author or authors
- Last academic degree
- Place of ascription
- Email
- Summary
- Keywords
- Abstract
- Keywords
- Development of the article
- Bibliography cited with the DOI reference, if applicable.
Guidelines for authors
1. Extension: the text must not exceed 60,000 characters (25 pages: letter-size page, Times New Roman font, 12 points, line spacing of 1.5 lines, margins 2.5 × 2.5 × 2.5 × 2.5 cm).
2. Summary: the articles must present the summary in Spanish and English. The maximum length will be 200 words.
3. Keywords: written articles should present the key words in Spanish and English. These must have a thematic character.
4. Data of the author (s): must include name and surname, email, institutional affiliation, as well as academic training.
Appointments: must be submitted in accordance with the Chicago Style Manual, 15th edition, and be included in the text, in parentheses, in the following order: surname of the authors and the year of publication. In the case of textual citations, the page of the reference will be indicated, at the end, separated by a comma.
(Hobsbawm 1995, 140)
(Dagnino, Olvera and Panfichi 2010, 220)
(Hobsbawm 1995, 140, Álvarez 2001)
Bibliographic references:
They will be presented at the end of the article, in alphabetical order, according to the first surname of the authors, including the DOI of the appointment, if this is the case.
I. Book by an author:
Hobsbawm, Eric. History of the twentieth century. Barcelona: Criticism, 1995.
II. Book of two or more authors:
Dagnino, Evelina, Alberto Olvera, and Aldo Panfichi. The dispute over democratic construction in Latin America. Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2010.
III. Book section:
Álvarez, Sonia E. "Latin American feminisms are globalized: trends of the 90s and challenges for the new millennium." In Arturo Escobar, Sonia E. Álvarez and Evelina Dagnino (eds.), Cultural policy and political culture. A new look on the Latin American social movements. Bogotá: Taurus; ICANH, 2001, 345-380.
IV. Magazine article:
Levitsky, Steven, and Lucan Way. «Elections without democracy. The emergence of competitive authoritarianism. »Estudios Políticos, 24: 159-176, 2004.
V. Newspaper article:
Reuter. «Benedict XVI resignation» for lack of strength ».» La Jornada, February 11, 2013, 1-2.
VI. Article with DOI:
Adam, D., 2002. "The counting house." Nature, 415, February, 2002,726-729. doi: 10.1038 / 415726ª.
In case the sources have DOI, it is important to include this information in the bibliographic record.
Times New Roman font, 10 points, single line spacing.
Figures and illustrations:
They must be delivered both in the article and in an annex file in JPG or TIF to 300 DPI resolution, indicating the pages in which they must be inserted. The images should indicate the author (a) and the source, that is, where they are taken from or where they were obtained. Tables and graphs must also be submitted in the document, as well as in an attached file in Word or Excell indicating the pages in which they should be inserted. It is very important that the graphic elements are original and, in case of resorting to others that are not of own authorship, besides citing with precision the source, it is necessary to have the reproduction permission or to verify that the material is not protected by the copyright laws.