The Mexican Congress facing the immigration issue: convergences and divergences of partisan positions in the LXIV Legislature
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The problem and objective here is to study the positions of the political parties before the serious migratory problems in Mexico. The first year of the LXIV Legislature of Congress, was defined as a case that coincides with the hegemony of the same party in the government. The analysis is quantitative and qualitative, it characterizes such positions and identifies convergences and discrepancies, based on three variables: integration of commissions, proposals on the agenda and bills, and proposals for agreement that each party presented. The results showed that irrelevant proposals predominated to adapt the legislation, reactive agreements towards migration policy, the reluctance of the ruling party towards proposals from minorities to render accounts, allocate more resources and support the work of civil organizations, and a precarious vision that does not. It takes advantage of advances in the investigation of migratory phenomena. This analytical approach is replicable for other matters of legislation and public policy, and longitudinal studies would further contribute to public scrutiny and discussion of alternatives.
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