Omens of fear: correlation between written press and social construction of insecurity in Queretaro Omens of fear: correlation between written press and social construction of insecurity in Queretaro

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Ana Laura Lira Cortes
Emiliano Duering Cufré


Crimes with the highest incidence in the Metropolitan Zone of Queretaro do not correspond to the criminal and violent acts published in the local newspapers, for which the questions arise regarding what is the feeling of the population that is neither a victim nor a victimizer and who does not appear in the media as opinion leaders? And how does the population that has no voice in matters of national security live it? This work analyzes a possible correlation of data on crime incidence and its publication in the written press to approach the social construction of insecurity. The foregoing through a quantitative review of the criminal incidence in the Metropolitan Area of Queretaro contrasting with the perception of insecurity reported by ENVIPE and hemerographic query of news about crime and violence published in the written press of Queretaro during the period from 2015 to 2020. The results do not include the crimes committed that are not known, those that are known and are not reported, and the crimes that are known and are not prosecuted. It is concluded that there is no direct relationship between the number of registered crimes and the perception of insecurity of the citizens in Queretaro.


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Lira Cortes, A. L., & Duering Cufré, E. (2024). Omens of fear: correlation between written press and social construction of insecurity in Queretaro: Omens of fear: correlation between written press and social construction of insecurity in Queretaro. INTER DISCIPLINA, 11(30), 145–175. (Original work published May 2, 2023)

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