Environmental impact assessment for wind turbines in Arriaga, Chiapas
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Faced with the effects of climate change and the level of world oil production, wind energy is the most widely sold renewable option for reducing greenhouse gases. However, in order to obtain it, the environment is affected. This paper presents the results of an investigation that evaluates the disturbance of wind turbines at the Wind Park San Jacinto, in Arriaga, Chiapas, prioritizing the effects of noise and shade on bird life and explaining the relationship of species mortality with these factors. Birds, noise and shadow projection of the devices were monitored. Through analysis, the ecological damage was determined, pending the issues of implementation, innovation and development of context-friendly technologies. Bird monitoring was implemented in the vicinity of the wind farm, as well as in locations with similar vegetation, but far from the park, since it was the most appropriate way to identify bird species that fly inside and outside the park, ensure the existence of damage caused by this technology, to later make a comparison of the two monitoring places and thus be able to obtain more precise results in the investigation.
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