Architectural geometric language of Dzibilchaltun, Yucatan: Mesoamerican and Greek concepts, parallelisms about the universe and the human being

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Víctor Hugo Ruiz Ortiz


This paper explains through geometric architectonic hermeneutics, the existing parallels between Mesoamerican concepts about man and Universe and Greek conceptions about the origin of the Universe, human nature and the structure of the contents of Timeo dialogue, written by Plato, considered the most influential text in all philosophy and occidental science. In the architecture and Mesoamerican texts, organicity of the forms with which they reflect the formation of the Cosmos, the Universe is conceived as a harmonious whole and ordered in geometric and mathematical terms, and the numerical relations that through the hermeneutics of the architectural geometrical language we can understand. The analysis brings new data on the relationships between architecture and pictographic writing as a universal language that represents abstract concepts for the conception of the attributes and symbols from characters, nature and objects represented as a whole, in which the sign, sense and significant are all a structured communication system, which explains or symbolize in mathematical terms and numerical relations the indivisible unit in the origins of life duality, for in these forms the world is ordered in harmonic proportions. 


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How to Cite
Ruiz Ortiz, V. H. (2023). Architectural geometric language of Dzibilchaltun, Yucatan: Mesoamerican and Greek concepts, parallelisms about the universe and the human being. INTER DISCIPLINA, 12(32), 315–329.

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