International labor migration of Sinaloa women. A literature review with a feminist perspective

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Erika Cecilia Montoya Zavala


The objective of this article is to analyze the participation in international labor migration of Sinaloa women. We analyzed studies on Sinaloa women in different labor niches: their participation in the global sewing and care market; also, we demonstrate the participation of Sinaloa women in the processing of fishery products such as crab and their entrepreneurial and self-employment incursion as stylists. All this in a context of labor inequalities that put women at an economic and social disadvantage. Studies reveal that Sinaloa women contribute their workforce to global markets, their income improves the living conditions, health and education of their families; however, government institutions do not recognize their contributions or help alleviate the difficulties they present in their career paths. This article is made of three sections: 1) the outline of a feminist perspective to analyze Sinaloa women in the global labor market; 2) the description of the new trends in women’s labor participation, and, 3) we carry out an analysis of the literature on labor participation of migrant Sinaloa women in the US.


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Montoya Zavala, E. C. (2024). International labor migration of Sinaloa women. A literature review with a feminist perspective. INTER DISCIPLINA, 12(34), 121–139.

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