An approach to the historiophoty and countervisuality of Afro-American visual representations

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Mauricio Sánchez Menchero


The article highlights the importance of considering, from a parahistoriographic perspective and with different devices of still and moving images —painting, photography, and film—, the management of the visual to construct a historiographic narrative or historiophoty of the visual representation of African Americans. This is achieved through the analysis of a visual device through three types of plastic, photographic, and filmic products created throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. In this way, with the category of historiophoty, some cases were identified where expressions of power were manifested through visual imposition and their resistance through counter-visuality, as has been the case with the Afro-American community.


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Sánchez Menchero, M. (2024). An approach to the historiophoty and countervisuality of Afro-American visual representations. INTER DISCIPLINA, 13(35), 45–66.

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