
Conteúdo do artigo principal

Ricardo Mansilla


The 8 research articles that make up the dossier of this number of INTER DISCIPLINA contain works that study and analyze the deportation processes between the United States and Mexico from approaches that favor migratory, political, social, psychological, journalistic, legal and of human rights. This issue also includes an interview with migrant Ana Laura López, where she shares her experiences as a migrant as well as the lack of support she received from the authorities upon her return to Mexico once she was deported. This edition of the journal also contains 9 works in the Independent Communications section that are well summarized in the editorial by the guest editor. It also includes two reviews of books related to the topic of migration.

This issue of Deportaciones invites the reader to reflect on return migration from the United States to Mexico, but also establishes a starting point for the study of deportation processes in other parts around the world.


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Como Citar
Mansilla, R. . (2023). Presentation. INTER DISCIPLINA, 11(29), 9–10. Recuperado de

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