Juan Jacobo Rousseau y su obra en Gran Bretaña: análisis a través de la prensa, 1750-1800 Jean Jacob Rousseau and his work in Great Britain: analysis through the press, 1750-1800
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Este texto recupera y estudia las notas y opiniones sobre J. J. Rousseau y su obra, publicados en periódicos, panfletos y libros entre 1750 y 1800 en Inglaterra y Escocia. El objetivo es analizar la recepción que tuvieron, e identificar discursos y representaciones sobre el filósofo construidas en aquel entonces, en Gran Bretaña.
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Anon. 1766. A concise and genuine account of the dispute between Mr. Hume and Mr. Rousseau: with the letters that passed between them during their controversy. As also, the letters of the Hon. Mr. Walpole, and Mr. D’Alambert, relative to this extraordinary affair. Translated from the French. Londres: T. Becket y P. A. De Hondt.
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Documentación hemerográfica:
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The Caledonian Mercury. 1766. An account of the controversy between Mr. Hums and Mr. Rousseau. Continued from the last. Noviembre 26, 1.
The Caledonian Mercury. 1766. An account of the controversy between Mr. Hums and Mr. Rousseau. Continued from our last. Noviembre 29, 1.
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The Leeds Intelligencer. 1767. A translation of the answer of Mr. Rousseau to the letter of the Count at Petersbourgh. Agosto 25, 1767.
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The Monthly Review. 1766. A concise and genuine account of the dispute between Mr. Hume and Mr. Rousseau: with the letters that passed between them during their controversy, as also, the letters of the Hon. Mr. Walpole and Mr. D’Alembert, relative to this extraordinary affair. Noviembre 1, 1766, 62-74.
The Norkfolk Chronicle. 1785. Relative to the death of that celebrated man Rousseau who has so admirably portrayed the charms of virtue and the eloquence of the passions. Noviembre, 1785, 3-4.
The Public Advertiser. 1766. This day is published, Price 5s. Mezzotinto print 15 one-half by 11, of the celebrated Jean Jacques Rousseau. Abril 26, 1766.
The Public Advertiser. 1766. In press and speedily will be published The plagiarisms of J. J Rousseau of Geneva. Septiembre 12.
The Public Advertiser. 1766. Just imported by T. Becket and P. A. De Hondt in the Strand Expose Succint de la contestation qui sést elevee entre M. Hume et M. Rousseau, avec les pieces justificatives. Noviembre 8.
The Public Advertiser. 1766. This day is published. Price is. 6d. A concise and genuine account of the dispute between Mr. Hume and Mr. Rousseau. Noviembre 18.
The Public Advertiser. 1766. This day at noon will be published. Price one shilling and six pence. Defence of Mr. Rousseau. Noviembre 24.
The Scots Magazine. 1761. Eloisa or, a series of original letters, collided and published by J. J. Rousseau. Translated from the French. Octubre 1, 24-29.
The Scots Magazine. 1766. Some account of the celebrated John James Rousseau. Enero 1, 13-14.
The Scots Magazine. 1766. Translation of a letter from Mr. J. J. Rousseau to M. D. Octubre 1, 8-9.
The Scots Magazine. 1766. A concise and genuine account of the dispute between Mr. Hume and Mr. Rousseau: with the letters that passed between them during the controversy. As also the letters of the Hon. Mr. Walpole and Mr. D’Alembert, relative to this extraordinary affair. Translated from French. Noviembre 1, 39-42.
The Scots Magazine. 1766. The account of the dispute between Mr. Hume and Mr. Rousseau, continued. Diciembre 01, 32-36.
The Scots Magazine. 1766. The account of the dispute between Mr. Hume and Mr. Rousseau, concluded. Diciembre 02, 23-31.
The Scots Magazine. 1768. A letter from Mr. J. J. Rousseau to Mr. D. Abril 1, 12-13.
The Scots Magazine. 1769. Rousseau’s sentiments of himself and others. Enero 1, 26-27.
The Scots Magazine. 1773. Dr. Beattie’s sentiments of Rousseau’s writings, From his Essay on Truth, edit. 4. Lately published. Febrero 1, 22-24.
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