Type A Behavior Pattern in workers of San Luis city, its relationship to dysfunctional attitudes

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Horacio Daniel Garcia
Marina Beatriz Fantin


Work constitutes a relevant sphere in life: levels of competence, aptness, responsibility and productivity press on the worker in a pursuit of self-improvement. This research attempts to investigate the prevalence of Type A behavior pattern and dysfunctional attitudes, and the possible association between them in a sample of workers in San Luis, Argentina.

For this research we set an exploratory level, adopting for data analysis a descriptive and correlational design. The sample was intentional, not random and consisted of 63 workers: 56% were male while 44% were women; being 31.60 the average age with a standard deviation of 6.51. To assess these variables two measuring instruments were used: the Weissman and Beck Dysfunctional Attitudes Scale (1978), (adaptated by Bas-Ramallo and Andrew, 1994) and the Eysenck and Fulker Type A Behavior Pattern Questionnaire (1983) (translated and validated by Romero-Leon, 1989).

In statistical procedure Mean and Standard deviation, Pearson correlation and t Test were obtained. Results allowed us to identify in the sample significant levels of Tension, Ambition, Activity and Absence of repression, particular features of the type A behavior pattern. Also, it was observed that the most ambitious and active workers tend to display a set of cognitive distortions related to perfectionism, omnipotence and the belief that other people should respond to their needs, data that confirm the relation between type A behavior pattern and some type of cognitive distortion.

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How to Cite
Garcia, H. D., & Fantin, M. B. (2013). Type A Behavior Pattern in workers of San Luis city, its relationship to dysfunctional attitudes. Journal of Behavior, Health & Social Issues, 5(2), 131–142. https://doi.org/10.22201/fesi.20070780.2013.5.2.34951

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Author Biographies

Horacio Daniel Garcia, Facultad de Psicología. Universidad Nacional de San Luis

Dr. en Psicología. Docente de la Cátedra de Psicología General de la Lic. en Fonoaudiología. Universidad Nacional de San Luis.

Miembro del proyecto de investigación n° 416012 "La persona desde una perspectiva integradora. Estudio de la Personalidad y promoción de salud"


Marina Beatriz Fantin, Facultad de Psicología. Universidad Nacional de San Luis

Dra. en Psicología. Docente de la Cátedra de Psicología General de la Lic. en Educación en Nivel Inicial. Universidad Nacional de San Luis.

Miembro del proyecto de investigación n° 416012 "La persona desde una perspectiva integradora. Estudio de la Personalidad y promoción de salud"



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