Co morbidity of personal disorders in homeless people

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Carlos Salavera Bordas


In this study a research about co morbidity of personality disorders in homeless people is carried out. The aim of the study was to analyze whether co morbidity between disorders exists. A cross-sectorial es post facto study with a sample o 91 patients who completed a semi-structured interview and the MCMI II during the course of the treatment was conducted. The results show how in 40.6 % of the sample, two or more personality disorders coexist at the same time, with a mean of 2,06 PD per person. Furthermore, personality disorders in Group B: anti-social, borderline, histrionic and narcissistic, are the ones which present a higher co-morbidity index. On the contrary, personality disorders in Group C: compulsive, avoidant or dependent, although they have a greater presence, they hardly present co-morbidity with others. Finally, the implication this study has on clinical practice and further research lines are discuseed.

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How to Cite
Salavera Bordas, C. (2009). Co morbidity of personal disorders in homeless people. Journal of Behavior, Health & Social Issues, 1(1), 63–81.

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