Hypnotic behavior as a Referential Substitution Episode

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Felix Castellanos-Meza
Carlos de Jesús Torres-Ceja
Gerardo Alfonso Ortiz-Rueda


The analysis of the hypnotic behavior has involved perspectives focused on the biological or social factors. The psychological aspects have been left aside and put under a logic of lineal causality. This has obstructed an adequate understanding about the hypnotic phenomena and has perpetuated some confusion. From an interbehavioral perspective (Ribes & López, 1985) the present work analyses the problem of the psychological events called “hypnosis” in the ordinary language. It proposes that, hypnosis can be conceived as events of Paradoxical Stable Affectation (or PSA events). In these events, language promotes the occurrence of a functional unbinding from the present situational properties, that is why the hypnotic behavior could be classified in the Referential Substitutive Function. The phenomenon known as “hypnotic anesthesia/analgesia” has been chosen as case situation to show the articulation of the functional relations that participate in the facilitation of the hypnotic behavior.



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How to Cite
Castellanos-Meza, F., Torres-Ceja, C. de J., & Ortiz-Rueda, G. A. (2013). Hypnotic behavior as a Referential Substitution Episode. Journal of Behavior, Health & Social Issues, 5(1), 11–24. https://doi.org/10.22201/fesi.20070780.2013.5.1.38604

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Author Biographies

Felix Castellanos-Meza, Guadalajara University, Postgraduate section on Behavior Sciences (CUCBA)

Degree: MSc. in Behavior Sciences, University of Guadalajara

Research line: hypnotic behavior from a interbehavioral perspective.

Carlos de Jesús Torres-Ceja, Center for Studies and Research in Behavior, University of Guadalajara

Degree: Ph.D. in Behavioral Science.

Area of ​​Research: Experimental analysis of behavior in animals and humans.

Gerardo Alfonso Ortiz-Rueda, Center for Studies and Research in Behavioral CUCBA, University of Guadalajara.

Degree: Ph.D. in Behavioral Sciences

Research line: a) Experimental study of description pre and post contingencial contact . b) Development of a methodology for the classification, identification and handling of relevant factors for adaptation and environmental enrichment.

Other Positions:Behavioral Science Postgraduate Program Coordinator : Behavior Analysis, CUCBA, University of Guadalajara

Honors: Teacher with Promep Profile, SNI I Member


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