Validation of the resilience scale for adolescents (READ) in Mexico

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Norma A. Ruvalcaba-Romero
Julia Gallegos Guajardo.
Diana Rocío Villegas Guinea


Given the impact of resilience in youth´s personal and social development, it is important to concentrate efforts in building or adapting instruments that can evaluate resilience with validity and reliability. To date, there is no adequate instrument that evaluates resilience with the population of Mexican adolescents in Spanish language. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the Resilience Scale (READ) with a sample of Mexican adolescents.  Participants were 840 adolescents living in the Metropolitan zone of Guadalajara (Mexico). Factor, exploratory and confirmatory analyses were conducted, and the convergent and divergent validity of the scale was also evaluated.   Results are similar to other validation studies of the READ, with the difference of a new factor arising related to goal-orientation and which was probably derived due to the cultural differences of the population.  The findings conclude that the READ in Spanish is a valid measure for the Mexican context. Implications are discussed.

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How to Cite
Ruvalcaba-Romero, N. A., Gallegos Guajardo., J., & Villegas Guinea, D. R. (2015). Validation of the resilience scale for adolescents (READ) in Mexico. Journal of Behavior, Health & Social Issues, 6(2), 21–34.

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biographies

Norma A. Ruvalcaba-Romero, Researcher & Professor at the Department of Mental Health Clinics of the University Center for Health Sciences (CUCS in Spanish) of the University of Guadalajara.

Degree: PhD, Universidad de Málaga. Affiliation: Researcher& Professor at the Department of Mental Health Clinics of the University Center for HealthSciences (CUCS in Spanish) of the University of Guadalajara. Research Area: Positive indicatorsof mental Health. Other positions: Department of Mental Health Clinics Research Coordinator.Distinctions: Member of the National System of Investigators (S. N. I.).

Julia Gallegos Guajardo., Researcher-Professor of the Department of Psychology and the Center of Anxiety Research and Treatment [Centro de Investigación y Tratamiento de la Ansiedad (CETIA)] at the Monterrey University.

Degree: Ph.D., Universidad de Texas en Austin. Affiliation: Researcher-Professor of the Department of Psychology and the Center of Anxiety Research and Treatment[Centro de Investigación y Tratamiento de la Ansiedad (CETIA)] at the Monterrey University. ResearchArea: Development of resilience, and social & emotional habilities; Prevention of anxiety anddepression. Other positions: Director of the Mexican Center of Emotional and Social Intelligence[Centro Mexicano de Inteligencia Emocional y Social]. Distinctions: Fulbright Fellow during herPhD studies, member of the National System of Researchers (SNI).

Diana Rocío Villegas Guinea, Master in Methodology of Behavioral Sciences and Health at the Complutense University of Madrid [Universidad Complutense de Madrid].

Degree: Master in Methodology of Behavioral Sciences andHealth at the Complutense University of Madrid [Universidad Complutense de Madrid]. Affiliation:Researcher professor at the Universidad Iberoamericana Torreón, Department of Humanities-Psychology. Research Area: Behavior and Health.


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