Work engagement and occupational burnout: its relation to organizational socialization and psychological resilience

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Erika Villavicencio-Ayub
Samuel Jurado Cárdenas
Alejandra Valencia Cruz.


The aim of this study was to assess the levels of work engagement in organizations located in Mexico City using standardized tests, and to determine its relationship with the occurrence of occupational burnout (OB), organizational socialization (OS), and psychological resilience. To a sample of 1110 employees, the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, the Organizational Socialization Inventory, the Occupational Burnout Scale, and the Mexican Resilience Scale were applied.  A path analysis with structural equation modeling was carried out to determine the causal relationship between the different variables, specifically, we were interested to see if OS and resilience influence the levels of work engagement. Indeed, our model showed a good fit to the data and suggested that SO and resilience positively affected work engagement. On the contrary, all these measurements were diminished in OB cases, suggesting that work engagement casually decreased the probability of developing OB. These findings can be used to design effective interventions to prevent OB and promote positive behaviors such as work engagement.

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How to Cite
Villavicencio-Ayub, E., Jurado Cárdenas, S., & Valencia Cruz., A. (2015). Work engagement and occupational burnout: its relation to organizational socialization and psychological resilience. Journal of Behavior, Health & Social Issues, 6(2), 45–55.

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Author Biographies

Erika Villavicencio-Ayub, Professor of the Organizational Psychology Coordination at the Faculty of Psychology, UNAM

Degree: Ph.D. Candidate, Faculty of Psychology, UNAM. Affiliation:Professor of the Organizational Psychology Coordination at the Faculty of Psychology,UNAM. Research Area: Organizational Health and Human Resources Management. Other positions:Consultant and Coach in Dserorganizacional. Distinctions: Medal “Gabino Barrera” to theuniversity merit.

Samuel Jurado Cárdenas, Full time professor [Titular “C”] Faculty of Psychology, UNAM.

Degree: Doctor in Psychology. Affiliation: Full time professor[Titular “C”] Faculty of Psychology, UNAM. Research Area: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy forAnxiety Disorders and Mood. Address:Facultad de Psicología, UNAM, Cubículo 36, Planta Bajaedificio “C”, C.P. 04510 México D.F. Email:

Alejandra Valencia Cruz., Full time professor at the Division of Graduate Studies of the Faculty of Psychology, UNAM.

Degree: Psychology, Ph.D., Universidad Nacional Autónoma deMéxico. Affiliation: Full time professor at the Division of Graduate Studies of the Faculty of Psychology,UNAM. Research Area: Among her research interest there are evaluation of motivationalprocesses and their relationship with school performance, as well as the family, school and socialfactors associated to adolescent psychosocial development. Email:


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