Effect of the contingency type on the verbal exchanges establishment and quality: their role on shared alternatives choice

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Lizbeth Pulido-Avalos
Nora Rangel-Bernal
Gerardo Ortiz-Rueda


This study evaluated the role of the exposure to different kinds of contingential arrays (non-shared individual, non-shared collective and shared) within the establishment and quality (in terms of its particular, general or strategic character) of the verbal exchanges that the experimental participants established, as well as its effect on the election of shared alternatives of partial altruism.

A virtual puzzle solving task was used, puzzles were displayed in two computers that could be or not connected on a network, depending on the experimental condition in turn. The experimental sequences were planned on a way where their fundamental difference resided on the exposure time to non-shared contingencies before the choice conditions between shared or non-shared contingencies of partial altruism, based on Ribes (2001) theorical-methodological framework for social behavior study from a psychological perspective. Participants were placed in the same or in different experimental rooms in order to achieve maximum control over their possibility or not to establish verbal exchanges of any kind and to be able to assess its effect on the choice of shared alternatives of partial altruism.

In general, it was found that the kind of contingency to which participants were exposed was directly related to the quality of the verbal exchanges that they established between them, and that the choice of shared alternatives of partial altruism was favored by the presence of verbal exchanges of strategic quality.

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How to Cite
Pulido-Avalos, L., Rangel-Bernal, N., & Ortiz-Rueda, G. (2015). Effect of the contingency type on the verbal exchanges establishment and quality: their role on shared alternatives choice. Journal of Behavior, Health & Social Issues, 6(2), 71–86. https://doi.org/10.22201/fesi.20070780.2014.6.2.48593

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Author Biographies

Lizbeth Pulido-Avalos, Universidad Veracruzana. Veracruz, México

Grado: Doctorado en Ciencia del Comportamiento otorgadopor la Universidad de Guadalajara. Adscripción: Universidad Veracruzana, Centro de Estudios eInvestigaciones en Conocimiento y Aprendizaje Humano, ocupando la plaza de Investigador deTiempo Completo Académico de Carrera Titular “C”. Línea de investigación: Línea de generación y/oaplicación del conocimiento en procesos básicos, desarrollo y comportamiento social, trabajandoespecíficamente en el proyecto de interacciones interindividuales bajo contingencias sociales.Distinciones: Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores.

Nora Rangel-Bernal, Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, México

Grado: Dra. en Ciencia del Comportamiento por la Universidadde Guadalajara. Adscripción: Profesor Investigador del Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones enComportamiento de la Universidad de Guadalajara. Línea de investigación: Análisis Experimentaldel Comportamiento Social. Distinciones: Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores.

Gerardo Ortiz-Rueda, Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, México

Adscripción: Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones en Comportamiento, CUCBA, Universidad deGuadalajara. Línea de investigación: a) Estudio experimental de descripción pre y post contactocontingencial. b) Elaboración de una metodología para la clasificación, identificación y manipulaciónde factores relevantes para la adaptación y el enriquecimiento ambiental. Otros cargos: CoordinadorPosgrado en Ciencia del Comportamiento: Análisis de la Conducta, CUCBA, Universidad deGuadalajara. Distinciones: Profesor con Perfil Promep, Miembro SNI I.


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