Translational research: The ontological relation between adjunctive and stereotyped behavior case

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Francisco Aguilar-Guevara
Josué Camacho-Candía
Natalia Lima-Villeda


Translational research has reported several benefits as a heuristic strategy of knowledge expansion. Given that some authors have found similarities between adjunctive behavior and stereotyped behavior, the present paper analyze if these two kinds of behavior could be raw material for translational research. As elements of the analytical work adjunctive and
stereotyped behaviors were described in their relationship with timing and Autism Spectrum Disorder, respectively. Then, a morphological and a functional assessment between both types of behavior were carried out. Main results showed morphological similarities and functional differences between types of behavior which were discussed in terms of suitability for translational research and in terms of the analytical tools utilized.

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How to Cite
Aguilar-Guevara, F., Camacho-Candía, J., & Lima-Villeda, N. (2020). Translational research: The ontological relation between adjunctive and stereotyped behavior case. Journal of Behavior, Health & Social Issues, 12(1), 25–31.

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Author Biography

Francisco Aguilar-Guevara, Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala

Interés en modulación lingüística del comportamiento humano (i.e. reglas, instrucciones, retroalimentación, correspondencia decir-hacer), aspectos relacionados con conductas preventivas y de riesgo, así como el estudio de factores ambientales que afectan el comportamiento de animales en condiciones de libertad y cautiverio.


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