The relation between body dissatisfaction and group identification in male and female college students from Mexico City

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Ricardo Marín Hernández


In the present study, there was made an analysis of the characteristics of corporal dissatisfaction of a group of university students, as well as the existing correlation between  body image and group identification. Descriptive and correlational analyses of the group were made, in which the participants were 77 men and 170 women, in ages between 18 and 26. Negative correlations between body dissatisfaction and
group identification were found, especially with respect to family and friends. Also, there were significant differences between sex groups, while examining body dissatisfaction, group identification and Body Mass Index. The present study allows us to visualize the similarities and differences between different groups regarding the way they relate to their peers while having in mind their body image perception and the
satisfaction or dissatisfaction related to it.

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How to Cite
Marín Hernández, R. (2023). The relation between body dissatisfaction and group identification in male and female college students from Mexico City. Journal of Behavior, Health & Social Issues, 15(2), 47–54.

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biography

Ricardo Marín Hernández

Asociado de artes en humanidades y estudiante de Psicología de último semestre en la Universidad Anáhuac México Norte


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