Analysis of the Functions of the Clinical Psychologist with a Cognitive-Behavioral Approach: An Examination of Processes
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Process research has the purpose of seeing over the phenomenons that in therapy explain the better effectiveness of psychological treatments. Among the phenomenons analyzed are the verbal behaviors issued by the psychotherapists, which, according to previous
studies, affect the success of a therapeutic process whose objective is to generate psychological changes in the patient. The aim of this study was to describe how the functions in the behavior of the psychotherapists are presented during the moment of Intervention of the
sessions of a psychological treatment. During this study a processes research was carried out under a methodological design of N=1 with replica, four psychotherapists participated with training in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Audio and/or videos of the sessions of the participants who appeared during a range of a month and a half was analyzed to identify the functions through the Categorization System of Functions During the Interactive Episode of Psychotherapist-Patient, otherwise known as the Sistema de Categorización de las Funciones Durante el Episodio Interactico Psicoterapeuta-Paciente (SCF-EI-P) in Spanish. The frequency and percentage of the usage
of each of the functions by each psychotherapist was identified, thus allowing a glimpse to a general absence of the Training function, necessary to fulfill the therapeutical objectives by teaching patients the abilities needed for their own cases. A preference for the functions of Regulate, Explore, and Instigate, was observed, additionally, it was observed that the function of Instruct was issued in an ambiguous manner, without specifications of what the psychotherapist was expecting of their patient, which resulted in an absence of adherence by not fulfilling their tasks adequately.
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