Parental supervision, religiosity and drunkenness among adolescents in three cities in Mexico

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Bertha L. Nuño Gutiérrez
Luis Flores Padilla
Manuel A. López Cisneros
Juana Trejo Franco


The aim of this study was to associate parental monitoring, religiosity, and city of residence with episodes of drunkenness in the last month in adolescent schoolchildren. A total of 693 male and female students from public high schools in Ciudad Juarez, Guadalajara and Campe-che were included. Sociodemographic variables, parental monitoring, religion, attendance to religious services and importance of religion in their lives were evaluated, with which a religiosity index was created. We found a 10.2% prevalence of drunkenness in the last month, with Campeche and Guadalajara registering the highest prevalence. Women reported higher episodes of drunkenness than men. Drunkenness episodes were associated with less parental monitoring and lower religiosity. After logistic regression analysis, the association remained with being female, living in Campeche and Guadalajara, higher drunkenness with older age, lower levels of monitoring and lower religiosity. We concluded that drunkenness episodes in adolescents were associated with female gender, living in Guadalajara and Campeche, low religiosity scores and low parental monitoring scores.

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How to Cite
Nuño Gutiérrez, B. L., Flores Padilla, L., López Cisneros, M. A., & Trejo Franco, J. (2023). Parental supervision, religiosity and drunkenness among adolescents in three cities in Mexico. Journal of Behavior, Health & Social Issues, 15(2), 40–46. Retrieved from

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