Digital empowerment in women entrepreneurs on the uros islands of Lake Titicaca, Puno – Peru

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Indira Gómez-Arteta


During the last three years, the world has experienced a health crisis that has forced all systems to reformulate their operation with the incorporation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and assume the challenge of digitization. In this context, the study aimed to explore the digital empowerment achieved by a group of women entrepreneurs on the floating islands of the Uros, located on Lake Titicaca in Puno (Peru). To collect information, corresponding to this first report, a questionnaire was used, applied to the 200 members of the “Qot Tika” Flor del Lago artisans association. Three dimensions of analysis were considered: identification of the technological resources they use, the way in which they learned to use them and the utility they have in their business life. The results show that the women entrepreneurs of the Uros islands have strongly initiated the process of digital empowerment, using social networks such as WhatsApp and Facebook to specify their communication channels and product dissemination; In addition, they use email and some electronic means of payment; Likewise, it is highlighted that this digital management is the product of his self and co-learning, responding to the need for communication that arose in the period of confinement due to the pandemic; finally, they highlight the usefulness of these digital tools in the development of their entrepreneurial work and show their willingness to continue learning until they achieve greater
digital empowerment, which allows them to contact the whole world to offer their artisan products.

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How to Cite
Gómez-Arteta, I. . (2024). Digital empowerment in women entrepreneurs on the uros islands of Lake Titicaca, Puno – Peru. Journal of Behavior, Health & Social Issues, 16(1).

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