La estructura simbólica en la acción Tutorial. Una visión de la formación para la investigación

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Victor Manuel Alvarado Hernández
Martín Manjarrez Betancourt
Rosalba Romero Escalona


The processes of the human being's formation in a concern, such as tutoring, constitute a complex lattice of action and reaction. Settling interests around a collective achievement like the student's integral formation requires the reflection, disposition from the diverse actors, and its symbolic effect or impact in the educational field. Independently of the approach it acquires; the symbolic construction of the tutoring process is a key element while capitalizing the cultural intentions through education are established beneath an educational program and in a more specific way, in its school practices. This document outlines an exhaustive revision of the symbolic influence that tutoring processes in superior education influence.

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How to Cite
Alvarado Hernández, V. M., Manjarrez Betancourt, M., & Romero Escalona, R. (2011). La estructura simbólica en la acción Tutorial. Una visión de la formación para la investigación. Matices Del Posgrado Aragón, 5(12). Retrieved from

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