La formación humana y la teleformación humana ¿el esquema de formación del nuevo siglo?

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Fernando García Hernández


Nowadays, the human development has an important challenge in the presence of the television and its contents because this medium generates a stage of control and manipulation in the reception.
The television messages are direct with the intention to influence in the thinking and in the behavior of people. On the other hand, the contents have affected the construction of knowledge and the discussion of national and international public problems.
The globalization of the television responds to the interest of the mass media industry. This kind of communication penetrates in the human behavior of children, young people and adults. We know that the television as mass media can not be eradicated, but we can develop some strategies to evaluate its programs.

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How to Cite
García Hernández, F. (2011). La formación humana y la teleformación humana ¿el esquema de formación del nuevo siglo?. Matices Del Posgrado Aragón, 5(12). Retrieved from

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