Stress, employment and academics' wages in higher education
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It is evident the necessity to carry out research in the academic organizations so to know the levels of academic stress; because if this are high, it can cause individual and group dysfunctions. For the above mentioned, is unavoidable the analysis of the employment support that the human resources of the Superior Education Organizations (SOE) receive, as well as the level of their job satisfaction and salary, considering their personal characteristics; this can be achieved knowing their stress levels and the support in areas such as: personal, labor-organizational and social-situational. The analysis may allow us to be under conditions of evaluating processes more consciously and formulating organizational recommendations which entail the possibility to generate a better quality of life for its staff, this will be reflected in the increase of the individual production in the main functions of the SOE: teaching, research and extension as well as diffusion of knowledge and art.
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Velázquez Vázquez, D. (2011). Stress, employment and academics’ wages in higher education. Matices Del Posgrado Aragón, 5(13). Retrieved from