El regreso de los autos de fe: Fray Diego de Landa y la extirpación de idolatrías en Yucatán, 1573-1579

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John F. Chuchiak IV


From the beginning of the Colonial Period a variety of conflicts between the Catholic Church and the Civil power took place. In Yucatan (1573 -1579) this problem was born due to the differences among the religious and secular authorities. This document analyzes how the members of the religious orders, specially the Franciscans, tried to extírpate idolatry and how resistance groups were being created and fed rebellious altitudes that propagate among the Yucatecan territory


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How to Cite
Chuchiak IV, J. F. (2005). El regreso de los autos de fe: Fray Diego de Landa y la extirpación de idolatrías en Yucatán, 1573-1579. Península, 1. https://doi.org/10.22201/cephcis.25942743e.2005.1.0.44243

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