Cartas de amor y sedición. Yucatán, 1605-1608

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Gabriela Solís Robleda


This article presents private correspondence that offers information to analyze common and daily life specially personal and loving relatíons in the XVII century. Information in this field is very difficult to find because offícial archives have not contemplated the conservation of this type of documents. These letters were exhibited as evidence of friars' criminal actions in a context of serious confiict between the civil and religious jurisdiction over the indigenous population, carried out by the Franciscan Order and Carlos de Luna y Arellano governor of the Yucatecan province between 1604 and 1612. The two first letters offer the expression of feelings like love, passion and jealousy, while in the others we find references to the confiict quoted before, with expressions that were considered seditious.


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How to Cite
Solís Robleda, G. (2014). Cartas de amor y sedición. Yucatán, 1605-1608. Península, 1.

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