El santo patrono y el caballero de fuego: miradas etnográficas sobre dos entidades poderosas de Nunkiní, Campeche

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David de Ángel García


This study offers an ethnographic vision about different aspects related to the historical origins, personality and beliefs that exist around two of the sacred entities or influential powers that comprise the pantheon of sacred numens of Nunkiní, a Mayan community in the state of Campeche: the Lord of Fire or Dzul li’k’áak and San Diego de Alcalá, the patron saint of the locality. Based on information compiled from fieldwork over the last few years, I will discuss certain paralisms between these two characters, their attributes, the miraculous actions they have carried out in the community and, finally, the imaginary that has been configured around them.


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García, D. de Ángel. (2011). El santo patrono y el caballero de fuego: miradas etnográficas sobre dos entidades poderosas de Nunkiní, Campeche. Península, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.22201/cephcis.25942743e.2010.5.1.44410

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