José Revueltas: humillado y ofendido (recepción inicial de Los errores, 1964-1966)

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Sonia Adriana Peña


In 1964 the publishing house, Fondo de Cultura Económica, released Los errores, the sixth novel by José Revueltas. The edition shows certain editorial negligence that resulted in a great number of printer’s errors. As a result the critical reception of the work was not very kind to the author, who became the target of mockery and sarcasm. The majority of those who attack the work did so from an ideological posture rather than consider the “stylistic oversights.” In this novel Revueltas once again attacks the dogmatism of the Mexican Communist Party, with the variation here being his introduction of the criminal underworld of Mexico City who he places at the same level as the party leadership. This essay will attempt to explain the negative attitude the novel invoked during the first two years of its appearance.


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How to Cite
Peña, S. A. (2011). José Revueltas: humillado y ofendido (recepción inicial de Los errores, 1964-1966). Península, 5(1).

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