Financiamiento novohispano para los presidios grancaribeños durante el reinado de Felipe III

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Rafał Reichert


This research focuses on the study of military expenses during the reign of Philip III (1598-1621), times where the king intended to introduce of savings in the expenditure of the Royal treasure by the reduction of costs for the military companies against the Elizabethan England and the Dutch Republic, both in Europe and West Indias. In this sense, the investigation will be analyzed military expenses, origin from the Viceroyalty of the New Spain for presidios of the Great Caribbean region, as well as the strategic and political phenomenon of their distribution. In the present article also will be presented comparisons of the movements from the Mexican Royal treasure with other expenditures to demonstrate the great effort which carried out the Viceroyalty in maintaining the Spanish defensive system in the Great Caribbean region. This research brings a new relevant information to the economic history of the military expenses in the 17th century, theme until now little study by historians.


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How to Cite
Reichert, R. (2011). Financiamiento novohispano para los presidios grancaribeños durante el reinado de Felipe III. Península, 5(2).

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