Historia comparada de dos experiencias migratorias: coreanos y súbditos del Imperio Otomano en Yucatán (1880-1916)

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Claudia Dávila Valdés


This work is a comparative analysis of the migratory experience involving Koreans and subjects of the Ottoman Empire during their first year of residence in the peninsula of Yucatan, a period that was characterized by a region-wide economic boom of henequen (sisal) production. Although these two migrations were contemporaneous, they met completely different realities. In particular, the migratory modality with which they arrived —the free and gradual immigration of the urban Ottomans compared to the pre-arranged status of the more agriculturally inclined Koreans sent as laborers with four year contracts— strongly influenced the economic niches they would carve out, and ultimately defined their destiny in the peninsula.


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How to Cite
Dávila Valdés, C. (2011). Historia comparada de dos experiencias migratorias: coreanos y súbditos del Imperio Otomano en Yucatán (1880-1916). Península, 5(2). https://doi.org/10.22201/cephcis.25942743e.2010.5.2.44417

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