Rasgos identitarios y estigma: la nueva ruralidad en San José Tzal
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This article focuses on social and cultural changes occurring since the 1980s in San Jose Tzal, a small town in the outskirts of Merida, Yucatan, that have been caused by its rapid urbanization. For my analysis I will describe some of their day-to-day practices that have maintained and redefined their economy, family ties and sense of community. I will also analyze the development of certain “hidden” mechanisms of social awareness that help San Jose’s residents restrain from certain behaviours so as to avoid being stigmatized in the city.
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How to Cite
Wejebe Shanahan, M. (2011). Rasgos identitarios y estigma: la nueva ruralidad en San José Tzal. Peninsula, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.22201/cephcis.25942743e.2011.6.1.44435
Citas en Dimensions Service
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), todos los derechos reservados 2013-2013.