Las plagas de langosta en el área maya: ambiente e historia de una calamidad en la época prehispánica

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Fabio Flores Granados


Using the iconographic analysis of certain archaeological materials, supported by climatological, biological, historical and linguistic information, this article analyzes some metaphors, symbols and signifiers present in the imaginary of the ancient peoples of Mesoamerica, and particularly those of the Maya, in reference to the sudden and destructive appearance of large infestations of locusts. The preliminary results open up new lines of inquiry about locust plagues and droughts and will help us a reinterpret key archaeological materials held in both Mexico and abroad. Ultimately, the evidence reveals different forms of perception the ancient inhabitants of Mesoamerica had in regards to this insect.


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How to Cite
Flores Granados, F. (2012). Las plagas de langosta en el área maya: ambiente e historia de una calamidad en la época prehispánica. Península, 6(2).

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