Navegación, comercio y guerra. Rivalidad por el dominio colonial en la región del Golfo de Honduras, 1713–1763

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Rafal B. Reichert


The main objective of this research is present new information about the historical events that took place between 1713 and 1763 in the region of the Gulf of Honduras, an integral area of the Caribbean Sea that until the eighteenth century was of secondary importance to the Spanish Empire. This situation changed with the European textile industry’s high demand of logwood, British inroads in logging this material, and their contraband trade with the Spaniards. The new dynamic forced the Spanish Crown to take measures to defend their territorial, commercial and naval domination in the region, causing a constant friction between both nations that played out in the 18th century.


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How to Cite
Reichert, R. B. (2012). Navegación, comercio y guerra. Rivalidad por el dominio colonial en la región del Golfo de Honduras, 1713–1763. Península, 7(1).

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