Vulnerability and Gender Social Representation

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Fátima Flores Palacios


This article exposes the conception of gender vulnerability that has been built for less than a decade, starting with an analysis of the social phenomena which is expressed in contexts of poverty and migration; particularly focusing our attention on the health as a topic. Our work has acquired some relevance, specifically on the relation of mental health and hiv/aids and their involvement on people’s relational system. We have located dimensions which are currently present and naturalized through a consensus system of social representations, that we could summarize as gender mandates that define the role as much in men as for women. We specifically analyzed the emotional and subjective effect that women from migratory and extremely poor communities present, as well as their social representations of their life path.


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How to Cite
Flores Palacios, F. (2014). Vulnerability and Gender Social Representation. Península, 9(2).

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