Migration Ethnicity, Gender:Three Key Elements in the Comprehension of the Social Vulnerability Towards HIV/AIDS in mayan Population of Yucatan

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Rocío Quintal López
Ligia Vera Gamboa


This paper analyze how migration, ethnicity and gender are conformed as peculiar elements in a vulnerability context associated to potential acquisition of hvi/aids among yucatecan Mayans males who migrate weekly and monthly from their home town —specifically from Tadhziú and Chacsinkín, which are located in the south of Yucatan— to the cities of Mérida, Cancun and the Mayan Riviera. Likewise we include information regarding the vulnerability to which women, who are awaiting for their husbands to come back to their place of origin, are exposed. This approach was made by analyzing the obtain data that we gather up from the “Identification of factors of vulnerability and risk sexual practices associated to hvi/aids and mayan migration survey” which we designed for this study.


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How to Cite
Quintal López, R., & Vera Gamboa, L. (2014). Migration Ethnicity, Gender:Three Key Elements in the Comprehension of the Social Vulnerability Towards HIV/AIDS in mayan Population of Yucatan. Península, 9(2). https://doi.org/10.1016/S1870-5766(14)71802-1

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