Symbolism in the Santiago Apostle of Halachó

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Raquel Concepción Sánchez Rosas
Othón Baños Ramírez


The intention of this essay is to point out the symbolism and historical conditions, which made possible the formal project and the building of the complex parish of Santiago Apostle of Halachó Yucatan. We favor the analysis of two of its main elements, façade and nave where we can perceive the intention of its (unknown) designers by strengthening the symbolism of the Patron Saint. It is a parish church in 18th century whose symbolism or the spatial do not follow the model of the parishes in the colonial Highlands. This case studied is a work that is not known for its exquisite artistic quality or for its monumentality, but also because it represents a Peninsular New Spain religious architecture, as well as regional of the New Spain architecture.


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Sánchez Rosas, R. C., & Baños Ramírez, O. (2014). Symbolism in the Santiago Apostle of Halachó. Península, 8(1).

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