Inequality And Exclusion In Chiapas

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Teodoro Aguilar Ortega


Poverty has historically focused on some entities of our country, especially those that make up the South and Southeast regions of Mexico. Chiapas, a state with high rates of poverty and marginalization, has illiteracy and child malnutrition rates high above the national average. This poverty has been increasing in recent years due to neoliberal policies that have led to a sustained stagnation of the national economy, leading to terrible consequences for the welfare of ordinary Mexicans and leaving behind the economic development of Chiapas. The objective of this work is to detail the history of the state’s poverty from the 1990s onward, and to review its effect on chiapanec families, from the point of view of indicators in education, health and nutrition.


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How to Cite
Aguilar Ortega, T. (2016). Inequality And Exclusion In Chiapas. Península, 11(2).

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